Thursday, March 29, 2012

Anxiety over tree trim day...

Have had a nagging feeling in my gut about removing the Eucalyptus. I just don't want to. Everything we initially fell in love with at this house has been torn out. The unique built-ins, twelve other trees, the pond, the interior planters. I simply don't want to take out more trees. I called the arborist & we will pow-wow first thing in the a.m.

On another note, I am so in love with this, it makes me smile and tear up

Friday, March 23, 2012

Getting the trees done...

Trees are scheduled for next Friday! Woot! We are feeding & trimming everything. We have to remove one large Eucalyptus because it's more than half dead but I have been assured that the other large Eucalyptus and Chinese Elm will fill in the gaping hole within the year. Really sad to remove yet another tree and hope its the right decision... Pics to follow.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Godspeed sweet girl...

My coworker had to let her 13 yr old companion go yesterday. The quote that brought me much peace was sent to me by our holistic vet after Leo's passing.

"We who choose to surround ourselves
With lives even more temporary than our own,
Live within a fragile circle;
Easily and often breached.

Unable to accept its awful gaps,
We would still live no other way.
We cherish memory
As the only certain immortality,
Never fully understanding
The necessary plan."

Irving Townsend

Back to the punch list...

Electric, entire house rewire $16,000
Electric, rewire & move welder & plasma only $945
(found a fab electrician whom I trust,)

Trees, trim & feed $3180
(includes one Eucalyptus on deaths door)

Sunday, March 4, 2012


Love this so much...