Sunday, April 25, 2010

Oh my gosh, I was so sore today. And it was a somber day because Little Bird died last night. Jeff buried him near Woody.

I absolutely could not bring myself to do anymore sanding, it will have to wait until next weekend. I did however, finish the door. We are screwed if we ever get good lighting in our house because the sliders don't match. When I was at HD yesterday looking at stain for the glue lams, I realized I was supposed to be using Red Mahogany with the Dark Walnut on the sliders. Don't know why I thought it was cherry? So I used Red Mahogany/Dark Walnut on the door I finished today. So...the complete bedroom door still needs to be done, frame and door. will have to wait until Fall now, it's too hot already to have the house open for two days.

Badger has really just made himself at home here....By the way, the "red eye reduction" buttom does not work on cats, it just make them close their eyes....


Little Bird died last night. :(

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Working on the the sliders again this weekend. Decided to also take on the glue lam beams that are in serious need of resealing - they are splitting... Noticed a little pine-needle bird's nest at the east side of our patio this morning, mentioned it to Jeff. Was walking around a ladder on the west side of said patio and screamed as I stepped on a baby bird. (Birds terrify me, they used to dive-bomb me at college all the time - it was a conspiracy amongst them).

So, Jeff picked up the baby bird and nest and carried it down to Mike, our neighbor who rehabs and saves all the birds we find in our yard. He told Jeff he's not doing rehab anymore, gave Jeff a cage and a cup of Science Diet with instructions "Soak the kibble in water and feed it with an eye dropper". HUH? Crap. So, now we have a baby pigeon to take care of.... It actually loves me and chirps at the sound of my voice. We tried to feed it then set it in the yard and waited...hoping a responsible parent would show up. No such luck. But I called "Little bird, little bird" and it walked across the yard to me. :)

Anyways, I sanded my booty off today, even with 50grit - it took hours. I am going to be SO SORE for the next 2 days and I've got sawdust snot.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Fully intended to attend the K9 Trials this weekend, we had such a blast there last year. However,guilt got the best of me and I forced myself to get back on the doors. It was really hot this weekend, I think we may have only one more weekend to work on these and the bedroom door will have to wait until fall.
Door #2/4

Cute Boy and Cat.

Modern Phoenix 2010 - Return to Paradise

Had a ball last weekend doing the home tour with Tom & Julia. Lots of good ideas, fun to see the progress people have made on their places since the last tour. Here are the pictures in absolutely no order at all.