Sunday, March 21, 2010

Nasturium I don't remember what these were.

Green Bean

Clean Yard!

We needed to fix this stair, at least temporarily. The dirt had eroded and this step was very wobbly to walk on. The dogs hate it and always walked around to the other end of the patio to get to the back door. So Jeff & his helper, Trigger, did a quickie fix with some pavers.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Had a lovely dinner tonight with Pam & Robin at Vincent's Market Bistro. Afterwards, we walked around the Biltmore and had a little Mojo Yogurt.

A nice end to a very busy day. We worked on the yard and cleaning up the house, preparing for the family's arrival on Friday. Can't wait to see everyone, especially my little boys, Sam & Noah.

Oh, yeah - termite tube is back again....I knocked it down and checked the blog to see when the last time I "reported" a sighting. Its only been a month since the last treatment so will wait and see if it comes back again. Irritating.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I also resealed the concrete floor in the bathroom... Finished Tung Oiling the walls and ceiling... (old sink below, the disgusting rusted out overflow drain is not visible in this shot)

Ocho enjoying the Toto.

Busy with the house the past two weekends. Jeff was wonderful and cut down two Palo Verdes and one dying Bottlebrush two weekends ago, while it was raining. Then the following weekend, he brought home the come-along and pulled the stumps out. As you can see, Trigger helped on the stump end by digging :) He was a muddy mess but had so much fun being so true to his doggie-ness.
Jeff's bloody noggin, the Palo Verdes are nasty with thorns.
We also replaced the sink in our guest bathroom, finally. We intended to rebuild the vanity and get a new countertop at the same time but hell's bells, I cannot wait any longer. The plumbing and holes in the wall under the sink are ridiculuous but we'll fix that when we replace the vanity. I cannot even put into words how happy this makes me.

My little bean wondering what's with this chick hogging up his couch.

Crashed out...

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Dog Show Saturday

Had a ball at the Fiesta Cluster, love seeing all of the breeds and especially watching the Obedience. Fewer vendors this year, no booth with all of the great books and the lady with all of the vintage dogs items was absent as well. Regardless, a day filled with dogs is a most excellent day!

What kind of dog? A young Komondor maybe?

I *love* these dogs. I think its an Ibizan Hound, it has huge erect ears which are back in this shot.

The beloved GSD :)


Setters, they're so regal and elegant.


More setters.

Dalmation dots everywhere.



Old English Sheepdog

Great Pyr


