Saturday, July 25, 2009

Sweltering Saturday

Started off our morning training wth Sam from Pet Behavior Solutions Its been over a year since we last worked with her and she said Trigger has come a long way since she last saw him, she said our work with him is obvious. Mike and Sandy came and helped; Sandy is a mellow, sweet yellow lab who was as perfect as can be.

Then we had lunch with our friend Thuong who is moving to Portland in a week for work training. He will be there until December. Kind and thoughtful friend that he is, he brought me a wonderful painting!

This is what our cats do on hot Phoenix afternoons:

On another note, we had a feral cat living in our warehouse at work. It was pooping and peeing on the rug outside the conference room. So, they trapped him and he was going to be delivered to county animal control ( which = euthanasia). I figured I'd bring him home, get him neutered and set him lose with our neighborhood colony. Well, when I got him home, out of the trap and into a dog crate - I realized he is not feral at all but a very sweet little boy. He was severly dehydrated and very skinny and extraordinarily filthy. It was gross petting him. Here is his picture:

I know all of the rescues are struggling but I'm going to have to get him placed. He is recovering nicely but hates living in a dog crate quarantined. (His nose is bloody from trying to escape from the trap).

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

River Trip & Happy Anniversary

Just back from a week of rafting the Colorado River in the bottom of the Grand Canyon. It was spectacular and so cool to see the Canyon from the bottom. The trip was a gift from Jeff's boss for his 10 year anniversary with the company. We put in at Lee's Ferry, took out at Phantom Ranch, stayed a night at the ranch, took mules out then stayed a night at El Tovar on the South Rim. We took the trip with OARS, who I could not recommend more:

Mom & dad were utter angels and came down to watch our kids. They also cleaned and did some home repairs which are SO APPRECIATED! The day after we arrived home was their 39th Wedding Anniversary so we treated them to dinner at Marcellino's - one of my fave restaurants here in town. Dad said it was good sign when he heard Italian coming from the kitchen. I think they were not disappointed!